José Trigo

Tour Leader

Date of Birth 1960/01/10 Experienced long distance and daily rider. Multilingual. General Manager Marketing Incentives and Loyalty Programs. Speaker on Incentive Systems.

Ernesto Brochado

Tour Leader

Date of birth 1965/07/11 Director of Porto Moto Club for 25 years. 25 years colaborating with Portuguese Motocycle Federation with special responsability in creating/organizing "Lés a Lés". The largest motocycle marathon in Europe. 2000 motocycle rides from end to end of Portugal. Ilustrator and cartonist for news papers, magazines and school books. Speaker in several areas. Daily rider.

José Ledo

Tour Leader

Date of Birth 1981/03/07
Leading is not a job it is a pleasure. 
I would like to share my time and moto ride experience with you.  
I love navigate with road books because this improves your attention to detail and  it links you with the local places of interest
Come and join me in this road experience through Portugal. 
Let the fun begin!
BANK coordinator